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"Labor Market Information (LMI) is an applied science; it is the systematic collection and analysis of data which describes and predicts the relationship between labor demand and supply." The States' Labor Market Information Review, ICESA, 1995, p. 7.

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Wyoming Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), Third Quarter 2023 (2023Q3)

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2023Q3 News Release

Real Estate & Rental & Leasing (NAICS 53)

Table 41: Wyoming Covered Employment, Total Wages, & Average Weekly Wages in Real Estate & Rental & Leasing (NAICS 53), Third Quarter 2022 & 2023a
Average Monthly Employment Total Wages Average Weekly Wage
Change   Change Change
NAICSb Code Ownership and Industry 2023Q3 2022Q3 N % 2023Q3 2022Q3 $ % 2023Q3 2022Q3 $ %
53 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing - Private 4,275 4,237 37 0.9 $59,600,593 $58,134,455 $1,466,138 2.5 $1,073 $1,055 $17 1.6
531  Real Estate  2,586 2,609 -23 -0.9 $33,087,790 $32,776,168 $311,622 1.0 $984 $966 $18 1.8
5311  Lessors of Real Estate  919 928 -9 -0.9 $7,898,314 $8,082,469 -$184,155 -2.3 $661 $670 -$9 -1.4
531110 Lessors of Residential Buildings  456 470 -14 -2.9 $4,089,101 $4,229,387 -$140,286 -3.3 $689 $692 -$3 -0.4
531120 Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings  131 142 -11 -7.5 $1,033,738 $1,157,062 -$123,324 -10.7 $605 $627 -$21 -3.4
531130 Miniwarehouse & Self-Storage Unit Operators  155 142 14 9.6 $1,315,403 $1,261,103 $54,300 4.3 $651 $685 -$33 -4.9
531190 Lessors of Other Real Estate Property  176 174 2 1.1 $1,460,072 $1,434,917 $25,155 1.8 $637 $633 $4 0.6
5312  Offices of Real Estate Agents & Brokers  457 508 -51 -10.1 $6,436,200 $7,601,424 -$1,165,224 -15.3 $1,083 $1,150 -$67 -5.8
531210 Offices of Real Estate Agents & Brokers  457 508 -51 -10.1 $6,436,200 $7,601,424 -$1,165,224 -15.3 $1,083 $1,150 -$67 -5.8
5313  Activities Related To Real Estate  1,209 1,172 37 3.2 $18,753,276 $17,092,275 $1,661,001 9.7 $1,193 $1,122 $71 6.4
531311 Residential Property Managers  816 781 35 4.4 $10,100,680 $9,681,575 $419,105 4.3 $952 $953 -$1 -0.1
531312 Nonresidential Property Managers  211 213 -2 -0.9 $5,641,423 $4,767,665 $873,758 18.3 $2,057 $1,722 $335 19.4
531320 Offices of Real Estate Appraisers  121 112 9 8.0 $1,416,853 $1,338,680 $78,173 5.8 $898 $917 -$18 -2.0
531390 Other Activities Related To Real Estate  61 66 -5 -7.1 $1,594,320 $1,304,355 $289,965 22.2 $2,010 $1,528 $483 31.6
532  Rental & Leasing Services  1,647 1,586 61 3.8 $25,378,227 $24,255,942 $1,122,285 4.6 $1,185 $1,176 $9 0.8
5321  Automotive Equipment Rental & Leasing  272 277 -5 -1.9 $3,386,383 $3,387,051 -$668 0.0 $959 $941 $18 1.9
532120 Truck, Trailer, & Rv Rental & Leasing  77 74 3 4.0 $649,447 $641,319 $8,128 1.3 $646 $664 -$18 -2.7
5322  Consumer Goods Rental  466 462 4 0.8 $5,118,964 $4,840,955 $278,009 5.7 $845 $805 $40 4.9
532210 Consumer Electronics & Appliances Rental  18 18 0 0.0 $240,658 $168,185 $72,473 43.1 $1,010 $706 $304 43.1
532283 Home Health Equipment Rental  273 261 13 4.9 $3,004,833 $2,746,550 $258,283 9.4 $846 $811 $35 4.3
532289 All Other Consumer Goods Rental  109 108 0 0.3 $1,245,753 $1,246,417 -$664 -0.1 $882 $885 -$3 -0.4
5323  General Rental Centers  124 132 -8 -6.3 $1,628,531 $1,803,430 -$174,899 -9.7 $1,010 $1,048 -$38 -3.6
532310 General Rental Centers  124 132 -8 -6.3 $1,628,531 $1,803,430 -$174,899 -9.7 $1,010 $1,048 -$38 -3.6
5324  Machinery & Equipment Rental & Leasing  785 714 71 9.9 $15,244,349 $14,224,506 $1,019,843 7.2 $1,493 $1,532 -$39 -2.5
532420 Office Equipment Rental & Leasing  11 11 -1 -5.8 $157,379 $244,371 -$86,992 -35.6 $1,135 $1,659 -$525 -31.6
532490 Other Machinery Rental & Leasing  127 150 -23 -15.6 $2,343,187 $2,696,721 -$353,534 -13.1 $1,423 $1,383 $40 2.9
533  Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets  42 43 -1 -1.6 $1,134,576 $1,102,345 $32,231 2.9 $2,078 $1,987 $91 4.6
5331  Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets  42 43 -1 -1.6 $1,134,576 $1,102,345 $32,231 2.9 $2,078 $1,987 $91 4.6
533110 Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets  42 43 -1 -1.6 $1,134,576 $1,102,345 $32,231 2.9 $2,078 $1,987 $91 4.6
53 Real Estate & Rental & Leasing - Local Government 65 57 8 14.1 $586,765 $554,744 $32,021 5.8 $698 $753 -$55 -7.3
5311  Lessors of Real Estate  56 50 6 12.7 $481,124 $453,027 $28,097 6.2 $661 $702 -$41 -5.8
531110 Lessors of Residential Buildings  56 50 6 12.7 $481,124 $453,027 $28,097 6.2 $661 $702 -$41 -5.8
bNorth American Industry Classification System
Source: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, developed through a cooperative program between Research & Planning and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extract Date: January 2024.
Prepared by M. Moore, Research & Planning, WY DWS, 1/10/24.